AWARD WINNING portrait photographer Rosana Kersh captures beautiful personal images
I don’t “specialise”
Well, alright, yes I do, I specialise in PEOPLE. Not in family photography, not in commercial photography, not in wedding photography, I specialise in PEOPLE PHOTOGRAPHY. YOU.
My specialty is connecting with YOU, valuing and appreciating YOUR individuality regardless of your situation or background. I deeply believe that everyone has a visual story to tell through photos. And I want to capture YOURS.
…This is a precious and valuable thing.
This is what inspires me to photograph people and valuing people naturally helps me connect with people . I have found this results in portraits of people that feel comfortable and realise they in fact DO look good in a photo.
My photos are SPECIAL, but not specialty.
Do you wish you felt more comfortable when someone pulled out their iPhone and took a photo at a gathering or when you’re out for lunch? I know what you mean! I can help, Click here to get a FREE “ten tips guide” on how to look your best in photos! Just click on link and put TEN TIPS as subject, and I’ll send you the pdf.

10 SIMPLE STEPS TO LOOK YOUR BEST in photos - EVERY TIME Do you wish you felt more comfortable when someone pulled out their iPhone and took a photo at a gathering or when you’re out for lunch? I know what you mean! I can help, Click here to get a FREE “ten tips guide” on how to look your best in photos! Just click on link and put TEN TIPS as subject, and I’ll send you the pdf.
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